Too bad they all suck though.
Oooooo... Wow! free cash! this halloween night could not get any better!
Age 31, Male
Joined on 5/6/05
Too bad they all suck though.
Fuck off you stupid asshole your a LOSER!!!
wow, you really threaten people with 3rd grade insults?
grow up you fucking 8-year-old
they arent but i bet your one of them!! LOL!!!!!
^^ awesome sarcasm, also dont feed the trolls kids
no it isnt your jealous you talentless asshole loser!!
wow, you think you're such hot shit, but you're never going to learn anything with that attitude, you just won't learn there's no place here for stubborn people like you. You think you're good submit some art to the portal and see how long it takes you to get scouted compared to humble hard working artists. Despite what you think, you aren't the best artist on here, so please learn to accept that so you can get better. Nobody's making fun of you here, they're trying to help you, just learn to take some crit without going apeshit.
haha topic deleted
your 15 but one question do you have a retardation that makes you brain age of about 5
You have no life troll!!!
Fuck my apology I don't give a shit about you!!
Real good art.